EK Happy New Year Competition 2020/21

It will take place for all EK members from December 30th, 2020

0.00 UTC –


0.00 UTC a competition will take place.

The EK members are all automatically registered.


Rules: Only 11m band AM / FM / USB / LSB

During the event, every contact with a different station in ClusterDX.nl will be spotted (only then will you be counted) The normal callsign will be used!

There are! No! special callsign or Abbreviations!!

At the end of every conversation you wish your conversation partner a „Happy New Year“!

Each contact gives 1 point. Every contact with an EK member gives 3 points.

Each participant keeps a separate log with the following data:

No. of conversation; QRZ, FRQ, Mode, R / S, name of the operator, (example: No.1 19EK111, 27540, USB, 5/9 + 40, Wim,)

After the end of the event, the log must be sent to the following email by 05.01.2021 at the latest.

toni13ek111@gmail.com or via whatsapp as pdf.

Attention there is no progressive number assigned!!!

The first 3 winners will receive a prize.

All participants who have returned their log will receive a certificate with their place.

We hope for a large participation and many EK spots in the Clusterdx.nl.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our EK members and their families:

Have a nice, healthy and quiet pre-Christmas time, protect yourself as best you can from Covid 19,

have a nice Christmas with your families and a good and healthy start in 2021 and a „HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021“ to everyone!!!


Your EK HQ team


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