Echo Kilo Contest 2022, join it now!

Start 06.08.2022 06.00 UTC
End 07.08.2022
18.00 UTC
(only 36 hours)


All EKDX Group Members
There is only 1 !!! ranking.
HQ Station is not counted in the ranking

Registration is possible via the mail to  The log must be returned to HQ EK or directly to by 08/14/2022 at the latest.

!!! Download your copy of the log over >HERE<.
All starters must be registered.
We work without !!! Progressive Numbers.

Frequency :
27000Mhz -27800Mhz
only FM, USB, LSB
CQ EK WC on 27555Mhz and QSY….!!! no QSO T5 !

Point system :
Contact: EK HQ 50 Points
EK -EK 10Points
EK to no EK 1Point,
other countries +5 points,
other continent +20 points,every DXCC + 10points
13EK111 – 23EK100
5+20+10+10 =45points

1+10 points =11points
and so on see above…
All contacts in can be spotted. Important without comment contest !!! Normal contact only. The spots are also used later to check the contacts.

1-3 prize cups
4-10 certificate
The ranking will be published later on the EK website and EK Facebook page.

We wish all participants a lot of success and fun!

EKDX Community Group

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