Echo Kilo DX Group needs your help !

Hello and greetings to all EK members worldwide


Dear friends and members,
Today I turn to everyone. We at management need your help. In order to be able to carry out our events/contests and challenges in the same way in the future, we need monetary donations. We are almost 1000 members at EK and all things are offered for free.
But since everything is getting more expensive and many things have to be paid for, we depend on your donations. Every small donation helps us. For example, money is needed for prizes and trophies and their shipping to the winners. Especially the shipping costs have increased enormously !!! We would also like to do a little more to support our members in absolute emergencies… true to the motto „Friends stay together“.
In order to be able to do these things to your satisfaction in the future, we ask you to donate a small amount via our EK website and the donation button.
Thank you and 73s

Toni 13EK111 World Coordinator EK DX Community Group

If you interesting in donate , Click on the Paypal Button below


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