Miss Ruth lives in the north deparment of Santa Rosa , south of Guatemala City
She started radio because of the need to communicate with his brother and also as a part of communication of a coffee production and purchasing business in the late 80’s
Her first CB radio was a realistic , then a new world for the hobby opened to her, still owning a Yaesu FT101ZD makes her remember her father .
In 1993 quitted the hobby and started again in 2023 motivated by her brother who is using a 4 element directional antenna manufactured by their dad.
First contact in 2023 with an EK member makes her to join our DX group with the callsign 72EK011 ,making contacts all around the world and enjoying the hobby .
She loves the radio , she is friendly and enjoy speaking in her Spanish language and her limited English.
She also loves sports , reading , listening to music and cooking.
Last words She is our Coffee Queen
Meet our operators section made for give to all the opportunity to meet some of our operators , choosen randomly , all the infomartions published by agreement of operator .
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